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Boost Your Visibility – Improving F of FAIR for Dutch Training and Data Resources through Bioschemas

Dates: 07 February 2019 - 08 February 2019

Venue: Jaarbeurs Meetup, Jaarbeursplein, 3521 AL Utrecht, the Netherlands


Meeting page:

Agenda: Meeting Notes

Target audience and Hackathon Goals

The hackathon is intended for:

After the hackathon participants will:

The first day of the event will be suitable for anyone wanting to learn more about, bioschemas annotations and how they can help increase the visibility of Life Science web resources.

The second day will be hands-on. During that part, participants will add biochemas annotation to the resource(s) they represent. To make it possible participant will need the skills to modify the source code behind the web pages of the resource as well as have the access and permission to do it.

Please see the meeting website for full details of the event and how to register.