Bolzano Research Visit
Before going to ISWC2014, I am taking a quick trip to visit Werner Nutt at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. Werner was my PhD supervisor where we developed techniques for integrating distributed data streams (Gray, 2007). The work was inspired by the problem of monitoring the resources on a computational Grid (Cooke, Gray and Nutt, 2005; Cooke et al., 2004; Cooke et al., 2003; Gray, Nutt and Williams, 2007). We will be exploring our common interests in stream processing, data integration and incompleteness.
As part of my visit, I’m giving a seminar on my work in the Open PHACTS project on using Scientific Lenses to support multiple views over linked data. You can see my slides below.
Answering queries over incomplete data stream histories
Gray, Alasdair J. G. and Nutt, Werner and Williams, M. Howard
International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), 3(1/2):41–60, 2007
Integrating Distributed Data Streams
Gray, Alasdair J.G.
PhD Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, 2007
Stream Integration Techniques for Grid Monitoring
Cooke, Andrew W. and Gray, Alasdair J. G. and Nutt, Werner
Journal on Data Semantics, 2:136–175, 2005
(Alphabetical authorship, equal responsibility)
The Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture: Mediating Information about the Grid
Cooke, Andrew W. and Gray, Alasdair J. G. and Nutt, Werner and Magowan, James and Oevers, Manfred and Taylor, Paul and Cordenonsi, Roney and Byrom, Rob and Cornwall, Linda and Djaoui, Abdeslem and Field, Laurence and Fisher, Steve and Hicks, Steve and Leake, Jason and Middleton, Robin and Wilson, Antony J. and Zhu, Xiaomei and Podhorszki, Norbert and Coghlan, Brian A. and Kenny, Stuart and O’Callaghan, David and Ryan, John
Journal of Grid Computing, 2(4):323–339, 2004
(Alphabetical authorship by site, Heriot-Watt authored paper)
R-GMA: An Information Integration System for Grid Monitoring
Cooke, Andrew W. and Gray, Alasdair J. G. and Ma, Lisha and Nutt, Werner and Magowan, James and Oevers, Manfred and Taylor, Paul and Byrom, Rob and Field, Laurence and Hicks, Steve and Leake, Jason and Soni, Manish and Wilson, Antony J. and Cordenonsi, Roney and Cornwall, Linda and Djaoui, Abdeslem and Fisher, Steve and Podhorszki, Norbert and Coghlan, Brian A. and Kenny, Stuart and O’Callaghan, David
In On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE - OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2003, Catania, Sicily, Italy, November 3-7, 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2888, pages 462–481, Springer, 2003
About Me
I'm an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Heriot-Watt University. My research focuses on linking datasets. Read more